About 16 results
- A survey research of satisfaction levels of graduate students
enrolled in a nationally ranked top-10 program
at a mid-western universityStudent SatisfactionSurvey ResearchCareer and Human Resources Education
- Action Research in EducationEducationAction ResearchEducational
- An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Multimediain College English TeachingMultimedia assisted methodsCollege English teachingEffectiveness
- An Exploratory Multiple Case Study about Using Game-Based Learning in STEMClassroomsGame Based LearningSTEMGamification
- Descriptive ResearchDescriptive
- Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical students: a multicenter quantitative studyUndergraduate medical educationCOVID-19 pandemicMedical student anxiety
- Factors Leading to Students Satisfaction in the Higher Learning
Institutions Student satisfactionStudent-teacher relationshipFaculty preparednessCampus facilitiesHigher
- Gsm Based Home Automation System Using ArduinoHome AutomationGSMArduinoAT commandsText message
- Instructional Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra to a Diverse Group of LearnersEffective Institutionschoolclassroom
- It’s Not Pixie Dust': An Exploratory Qualitative Case Study of a School-Based Multimodal Tablet InitiativeMultimodalSecondary SchoolsLiteracyLeadershipPolicy